Conferences presentations #2017
5° SAEG (Turin: 18-20 Jan 2017) - 15° CIEGL (Wien: 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2017)
In the year 2017, the ELA project was presented at two epigraphical congresses, namely at the «5° Seminario Avanzato di Epigrafia Greca - SAEG» (Turin: 18-20 Jan), and at the «15° Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae» (Wien: 27 Aug-1 Sept). In both these occasions, a description of the structure and functioning of ELA Database was accompanied by the examination of some concrete cases, with the aim of illustrating major issues and expected results of a topographical study of the Athenian public inscriptions.
20 Jan
C. Lasagni - F. Rocca
Title of the speech:
«The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens. Un database per la topografia delle iscrizioni
pubbliche ateniesi»
Click here for the conference report by F. Giovagnorio on SITEG (
29 Aug
Panel: «Databases», chair: J. Sosin
C. Lasagni
Title of the speech:
«"The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens". Preliminary results for a semantics of Athenian topography»
Click here for the text of the speech on
Published on: 23 Jan 2018 by Chiara Lasagni